NO LONGER AM I BOUNDED BY THOSE BRAIN-RACKING MODULES! HURRAY HURRAY HURRAY :D Memorising was a pain. Imagine pathology2 coming up next semester! Gahhh! NIGHTMARE!
Anyway, a few days before pathology paper, i received this message from weesing which perk me up a bit.
She texted:
time/date: 00:18 19thAug'07PRONOUNCED DEADEtiology: overdosage of pathologyOh and did i mention? I'm so going to throw away this useless stool of mine.
Reason being, its hard and tough. I dont see tough as being durable, but pain in the ass when you sit on it for say 12hrs/day? I'm replacing this useless thing with..
TADAHH! Please ignore the unglam butt dent caused. I've to exaggerate. This comfy lil thing is the bestbest invention ever. Not only is it comfortable, the back rest can also be adjusted to your most desirable angle!
Moreover, its FOC (:
DRESSING UP's FUN !!! This is one of our favourite (: I brought a huge bag full of clothes that i no longer want to weesing hse on tuesday. Main purpose was to take pictures and sell them la duh. I didnt know mix-matching randomly can be so much fun :D
Dressing up PART 2 coming up okayyyyyyyy?
Mahjong session at xt's place ytd together with shuhui eileen and madeleine. Well, im not sure if that's the funniest joke of the day for the rest of you, but it is for me.
Shuhui throw out the tile with rat and sreams "eeee"Goodness! 一台(yi tai) leh shuhui!